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Do You Possess the Qualities that Make an Exceptional Leader?

Not everyone can be a great leader; in fact, great leaders are more the exception than the rule. Entrepreneurs are a subset of society that would like to believe they have the skills and qualities that create an exceptional leader, but how do you know for sure? Here are some of the qualities that great leaders possess; can you count yourself among them?

  • Patience. The key here is knowing when to abandon a project, and when to have patience to see it to fruition. At times, patience may be equal to courage, and every leader needs to be courageous.
  • Passion. Regardless of your company’s mission, if you are not passionate about it, it will never see success. Passion is like an itch that is never scratched, which means you’ll constantly be working to further the success of your business.
  • Confidence. Do you have the confidence to guide your company and your employees to success? An exceptional leader will exude confidence.
  • Focus. There are so many aspects to running a business, that if you let every single one of them weigh you down (instead of delegating) you might as well pull the dirt over your proverbial business coffin. Selectively engaging in the most important aspects of the business will help it thrive.
  • Being Personable. It’s true that the best salesmen make the sale personal. It’s also true that exceptional leaders have the respect of those around them because they make genuine, heartfelt connections.
  • Being Generous. There is no getting without giving, and a true leader will give back to his employees, his community, etc. because it’s all the lifeblood of a greater whole.
  • Communicating. Getting what you want, as a leader, is all about communicating those ideas effectively. Not being able to express your needs will result in not getting what you need and want for your company.
  • Being Insightful. Thinking about and figuring out what’s to come ahead by paying attention to small details will gain the respect and confidence of your team, and will help make you a great leader.

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Published on: April 7th, 2017