As experienced and knowledgeable acquisitions and mergers brokers, ValleyBiggs are experts in the technology, Internet and Website sector. They follow a precise step-by-step process to first determine if it’s the right time to sell your middle market firm, and if not, what steps should be taken to make it sellable and profitable for share owners. They stand closely by their mantra of ensuring that the client and their expectations come first, not their commission. These expert acquisitions and mergers brokers have sold hundreds of companies and they know best, more than any other competitive firm, how to prepare and market a middle market firm for its sale in the marketplace.
At ValleyBiggs, you’ll find their attention to detail along with their massive network of professionals that support each and every transaction from start to finish, simply phenomenal. Part of the reason they are able to make these claims is because the founders of ValleyBiggs are Serial Internet Entrepreneurs. As Serial Internet Entrepreneurs, their new ideas are not far and few between, on the contrary, they are highly prolific and have trained their staff to understand the nuances of every transaction, thereby allowing a smooth work flow and precisely executed methodologies.
To ensure that the timing is right for the sale of your middle market firm, ValleyBiggs spends on average three to four weeks with a client prior to putting the company up for sale. This time is spent exploring the client’s financial statements to help determine the profitability as well as the possible need for the client’s financials to be normalized so that the middle market firm can be placed for sale in the marketplace in the best possible light.
Included in the pre-sale process is interviewing seller stakeholders for the purpose of developing a FAQ to limit the amount of time the client has to spend in front of possible buyers. ValleyBiggs also creates a professional marketing package to represent the business favorably to entice and impress prospective buyers. As skilled mergers and acquisitions brokers, they dig deep into every client’s company to understand its operations as well as the stakeholders, which is key to ensuring that the middle market company is represented favorably and consistently to suitor buyers.